Missing films/shows

Over the course of this blog (over 12 years already!) and the various bits of research I've done, there are a few films that I have heard of or been informed of that seem to evade capture (literally).

The list is short at the moment but I'm sure it will grow over time. It would be great if anyone could point me to copies (preferably legal!) that are available to buy:

Hong Kong Affair (1958)

An American movie shot entirely on location here but sadly I cannot find a single copy of it anywhere. If anyone sees it for sale or just cropping up on Youtube, please feel free to let me know.

Hong Kong Honeymoon (1960)

This is an old Filipino film starring Zaldy Zshornack that appears to have disappeared into the out-of-print abyss. If anyone knows of a copy or online resource, please let me know.

社長洋行記 (Three Gentlemen from Tokyo (1962)

I actually had this on order from CDJapan more than one year ago and it cost me a pretty penny, but unfortunately it never arrived which means I am loathe to trust CDJapan ever again - especially since they basically fobbed me off when I complained. Fuck you CDJapan! So if anyone knows of a digital (or VHS) copy that won't cost an arm or a leg, please let me know. It looks like it also had a follow up that was also shot in Hong Kong called 続.社長洋行記 (Three Gentlemen Return from Hong Kong)

The Target of Roses (Bara No Hyoteki) (1972)

Japanese film believed to be shot on location in Hong Kong.

Savage in the City (1977)

Starring Robert Woods (he was also in Die Jungen Tiger von Hongkong) as a Native American let loose in HK. Also has Rik Van Nutter, who I suspect was in HK at the time also to film Foxbat. Anyway, I cannot find any release info on this or any online copy anywhere, so if someone can p[oint me in the right direction, please get in touch.

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