Friday, August 19, 2011

The Protector - Jackie Chan (1985) - Fei Ngo Shan, Kowloon

In the scene when JC calls up the kidnappers to arrange a deal he makes the call from a public telephone box atop one of Kowloon's most visible landmarks. You may not know its name - Fei Ngo Shan - but if you have been to HK you will undoubtedly have seen it from some point or other. There is actually a road that goes all the way to the top so you don't have to be a mountaineer or hiker to make it there but once at the top views all over the territory can be had.

In the next screen cap you can see what was Kai Tak airport behind JC. At the time of filming this was still a bustling part of the territory, now it's a wasteland waiting to be turned into a cruise ship terminal.


YTSL said...

Fei Ngo Shan... AKA where the new home of Brigitte Lin is being built by her husband for close to HK$600 million according to Chinese language media reports!!! :O

Jesus Manuel said...

or at least the double!

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