Thursday, January 5, 2012

Sunset - Paul Chin Pei (1971) - Princess Margaret Road, Kowloon

Here is one found inadvertently thanks to Dan Thomas managing to spot a difficult location from Police Story. I've never been to this part of Kowloon and was thrown for a while by the Chinese writing on the wall of the building in the right of the shot which (I think?) says "Mongkok" - or at least the proper Chinese equivalent.

I can't recreate the exact angle but here is a shot from street view where you can see that the church above is still around. The church is the Kowloon namesake of a perhaps more famous one on HK Island called Hop Yat Church. Here is the (Chinese) website:

The next shot afterwards is a bit wobbly (I had de-interlace turned on and only later realised that for moving screenshots it wasn't so great) but you get to see the corner with the small low-rise Kowloon Hospital out clinic tucked into the bend. It's still there, by the way but the flyover has an additional flyover built over the top of it now running east to west along Argyle Street.

1 comment:

Daniel Thomas said...

Happy to help, inadvertently...

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