Tuesday, March 18, 2014

I Spy (TV Series) - Robert Culp (1965) - Canton Road, Yau Ma Tei

To be more precise the part where Canton Road intersects with Public Square Street. The giveaway in this scene is the road sign that can be seen on the second screen grab couple with the angle with which the road leads away in the background...oh yeah, and the familiar looking brick work where the road sign is fixed.

There's only one place where the road continues at an angle and it just so happens to be the same place where the Yau Ma Tei Police Station is - that is the building on which the sign is mounted.

Sadly the old curved building in the background is no more. It was part of the so-called 'six street slum' that was on the site before it was all torn down in the 1980s (I think?) and replaced by Prosperous Garden. In the process of the redevelopment a couple of streets disappeared, one of them - Lei Tat Street - the location of one of Yip Man's Wing Chun schools.

In the meantime I can confirm that the Police Station (which has been used many, many times in both local and foreign movie productions) still has the road sign - albeit a modern version - displayed on the same part of its facade. Below is the best angle we can get from Streetview.


gweilo8888 said...

Funnily enough, I went past here not two hours ago. To say it's changed would be the understatement of the century, but I'm glad to see the police station is still there.

Phil said...

Welcome back :-)

gweilo8888 said...

Thanks! Last full day here today sadly, and I never did get time to get to any movie locations or the train museum. Ah well, more incentive to come back asap. (Like I needed any!!)

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