Saturday, January 21, 2017

Shadow of China - John Lone (1989) - Queen's Road West, Sai Ying Pun

Some more driving around in Neil's old Jag (actually, Neil has told me he still has the car - he shipped it back to the UK when he moved there and it has been languishing in his garage for the last 10 years waiting for some love and attention), this time along Queen's Road West. I used to refer to as Sheung Wan but since the opening of the new MTR station the whole area now appears to actually be part of Sai Ying Pun...not that there is any discernible difference these days.

In the following shots you can spot the "Sammy's Kitchen" sign. It's the brown cow hidden slightly in the film grab but quite obvious in Streetview underneath. Sadly, the sign recently became a victim of the HK Govt's rather selective enforcement of building laws and was removed. Obviously Sammy lacked the personal friends needed to help him get it overlooked.

Quite a few of the buildings are still around. The only major change is the aforementioned Sai Ying Pun MTR station that now has an entrance onto Queen's Road up where the first film grab was filmed (you can see the construction work in the Streetview picture). It's been open since March 2015.

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