Thursday, January 11, 2018

Game of Death - Bruce Lee (1978) - Rua do Patane, Macau

Welcome to the first post of 2018. Things will probably slow down a bit on the blog as I run out of films to view or take longer sourcing them. There's still a few out there to get but it may take sometime. In the meantime I have been looking back over past films and seeing if there are any locations I missed the first time. One of my first tasks was to re-watch The Game of Death (I know, the pain I endure for everyone's entertainment!) and lo-and-behold managed to squeeze a couple more places out of the general mess of the movie.

Case in point, the following scene in Macau showing a lion dance. Rewatching a DVD (though it was the Cantonese version that was missing several scenes and the best part of the film - the opening credits) meant the street sign in the following scene was easier to read, and therefore locate.

The baddies are stuck behind a lion dance troupe as they make their way to their hideout. It turns out that the road is Rua do Patane - identification aided by the aforementioned street sign that reads "Rua dos Curtadores".

By the looks of it the wall on the left hand side of the screengrab was replaced by a residential building but the small single-storey buildings in the background have so far managed to avoid the redevelopment.

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