Saturday, November 16, 2019

Hong Kong (series) - Rod Taylor (1960) - Kai Tak Airport, Kowloon

Moving on to episode 8, Colonel Cat, and this story is about a known Japanese wartime criminal returning to Hong Kong to secretly reclaim a stash of bank notes that he buried before the end of the war. I'm not sure how widely known the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong was in the US, post-war, but this story follows a little bit of that history. The Colonel has escaped from a Japanese prison and is seen by Tully, Evans' bar-owning friend (played by Jack Kruschen), who was a victim of the Colonel's sadistic practises as an internee during the Japanese occupation of HK.

There are quite a few locations in this episodes largely thanks to the portion of the plot where Evans and Chief Inspector Campbell spend a bit of time wandering Hong Kong in search of the Colonel and their difficult to locate friend, Tully.

This is a brief sequence of a plane landing at Kai Tak from that episode. It was part of the opening sequence where the narration explains how many different ways there are to get into Hong Kong.

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