Thursday, May 28, 2020

Blood, Sand and Gold - Aaron Costa Ganis (2017) - Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong

Blood, Sand and Gold is an apparently low-budget independent effort by a film maker called Gaelan Connell. The film stars Aaron Costa Ganis as a recently-released-from-prison archaeologist who is hired by a salvage/exploration company to track down a cache of gold stolen by the bad guys.

In true budget style, much of the footage for the overseas locations is used for establishing shots and I believe much of the rest of it was filmed in Mexico but there are a few Hong Kong shots that involve the actors on locale and so it's worth including them here. This appears to be another film whose release date was significantly later than the shooting date, so even though it has a 2017 release date I understand much of the principal photography was done 2 or 3 years earlier.

The film's Hong Kong story opens with a nice, but cloudy (so probably filmed in the springtime), view of the harbour from Kowloon-side.

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