Monday, July 13, 2020

V.I.P - Jang Dong-gun (2017) - Hong Kong Cityscape

Recently, I've found myself having to post stuff just to make the point that a shot is supposed to be Hong Kong but actually isn't. It seems to be the way film-making is heading as more and more films use CGI to recreate a place rather than actually use the (now more expensive) option of actually visiting a place.

Anyway, this film is no different and although there are actually real HK locations making brief appearances, much of what you see is not HK but some similar stand-in or a faked shot. Case in point is this view of Hong Kong. The scene occurs as Jang Dong-gun's South Korean intelligence officer makes his way from the airport (not filmed at HKIA as far as I can tell) to his rendezvous with the US intelligence services (represented by the excellent Peter Stormare) in "Lan Kwai Fong".

First off I don't recognise this bridge at all so it is most likely one in Korea, and secondly even if it was a Hong Kong bridge there is no way it could have that particular view of HK Island in the distance.

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