Saturday, December 9, 2023

Desperate Mission - Germán Cobos (1965) - The Grand Hotel, Tsim Sha Tsui

I have to say a big thanks to "Moddsey" over on for identifying this next location for me. I had thought it might be the Park Hotel until Moddsey quietly referred me to the existance of a sign at the back for a venue called "The Russian Restaurant" that used to be located on Humphrey's Avenue in Tsim Sha Tsui.

This is the hotel where Agent Z-55 is staying and runs into a bit of trouble with the girl in the room next door, who happens to be working for the criminal gang he has come to investigate. The interiors were almost certainly filmed in a studio, but the external footage of the hotel matches a version of it that wasn't supposed to be opened until 1968 (see here on the HK Hotel Association website). In the film, the hotel's front entrance has a driveway, and Z55's taxi drops him off right at the front door, but this version of the hotel apparently didn't open until 1968 according to the HKHA website above, so I suspect that they have their dates wrong.

Moddsey points out that the presence of the Russian Restaurant sign in the background as well as the "Jade Pagoda" sign opposite the hotel confirms where we are. Anyway, the hotel closed in 1985 and was demolished to be replaced by a mixed mall/office block there called the "Grand Centre" -  preserving building names in Hong Kong is common, preserving actual buildings, less so.

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