Sunday, February 9, 2025

Karate from Shaolin Temple - Kazuma Kenji (1976) - Murray Road, Central

Musashi is followed to a restaurant where the gangster catches up with him and asks him to go and see his boss. The gang boss is a big martial arts fan and has extended an invite to visit and chat with him. 

This screencap shows the view up Murray Road in Central. In the far background is the Murray Barrack Building which was famously "reconstructed" in Stanley. The government insists it was rebuilt brick by brick, but this is a lie. A new concrete core was poured and the building's external structures (pillars, balconies etc) were then hung onto the new structure. When it comes to heritage preservation in Hong Kong, take what the Govt says with a large pinch of salt.

I believe the structure on the right might be the old Furama Hotel which would put the car on the east section of Edinburgh Place rather than Murray Road. The old Murray Road carpark can be seen at the back left. This was demolished a few years ago and replaced by an enormous carbuncle called "The Henderson".

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