Monday, November 18, 2013

I Spy (TV Series) - Robert Culp (1965) - Square Street, Sheung Wan

Moving on to our next episode, this one is called Dragon's Teeth, and we get another angle of a street not normally seen. The street in question is in fact Square Street, just off Ladder Street and Hollywood Road. Fans of The World of Suzie Wong may recognise the name because Square Street was featured in that film courtesy of the Nam Kok Hotel location just a few yards around the corner.

Anyway, the scene starts with our heroes descended the famed steps of Ladder Street (or it could be Tank Lane, at this point I am not sure) before they turn to their left. Just as they do we get a blurry view of the street sign and it is almost unreadable. However, location confirmation can be made courtesy of the tong lau at the end of the street, which thanks to some persons careful maintenance and TLC, still exists and looks to have a very careful owner.

Here they are at the bottom of the steps just about to turn left. The street sign with a blurry "Square St" barely visible.

Check out the building at the end of the street in the distance. We get a few more glimpses of it in the following picture.

I wonder how wide the road was back in 1965, it may just be the camera angle but it looked much wider back then - perhaps because the buildings sat further away from the street? Either way, there has been a lot of development and the nice empty space we can see far right has been filled in - as has the empty space behind our far off building. Here is the modern Streetview.

Zoom in and you can see our distant building hasn't changed much, but in case you can't see that far here is a closeup. As you can see the current owner/landlord has taken good care of the place and it looks really nice, so I take my hat off to whoever it is for not knocking it down and building a highrise.


gweilo8888 said...

Lovely to see that old place saved. Piqued my curiosity, so I did a little digging and:

Phil said...

wow, looks great. And now they can add the "as seen in I Spy epsiode" to their historical snippet. I'm impressed they got 5 apartments out of it too, I wish more people did this. I did read another article a while ago about some merchant bankers wife who had done something similar. I just wish I had the money to do the same :-)

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