Friday, February 19, 2016

Spider-Man: The Dragon's Challenge - Nicholas Hammond (1979) - Ching Chun Koon, Tuen Mun

It looks as though the film makers didn't just shoot film in HK and the US, because there is a sneaky bit of footage from Singapore that has been snuck in there in the hope that no one will notice. The scene involves the heroes setting up a meet between themselves and a family uncle. The temple in question is actually Ching Chun Koon in Tuen Mun as we see at the end of the sequence when they all get into a car parked in the forecourt. It's been used a couple of times on this blog before for Enter the Dragon and That Man Bolt.

It's a bit difficult finding interior photographs at this temple, but the few I found do seem to confirm that they filmed inside, but to be 100% I will need to make a return trip. However, the exterior shots are definitely there as you can see below.

And to finish off, here is the opening shots of the sequence that was actually taken at the main entrance to the Chinese Gardens at Jurong Lake in Singapore. I'm not sure if this is stock footage or shot specifically for the film, I suspect the former but you never know.

Not Hong Kong!

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