Thursday, February 16, 2017

China Cry - Julia Nickson (1990) - Dra. Laurinda M. Esparteiro Garden, Taipa

Here's a location that should be familiar to Jackie Chan fans. It's the garden that lies at the bottom of the hill below the Carmel Church in Taipa and has a set of steps running down it that JC athletically jumps down (when he could still do that stuff) and turns around only to find his girlfriend still stuck at the top. Here's a reminder.

In China Cry it's where Julia Nickson is riding along after school and witnesses some Communist brutality against a priest and some nuns. 

This is still one of the more pleasant places to visit in Macau if you get the time and thankfully hasn't changed so much (unlike the view to the south - off camera to the left - which is now chockablock with gaudy tacky resort casinos).

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