Thursday, April 9, 2020

Les Nuits Rouges du Bourreau de Jade - Carrie Ng (2010) - Duddell Street, Central

Moving on to a new film for the blog and this time it is another French production starring Carrie Ng as a sadistic killer who covets a legendary poison for the sensory effects it causes just before death. Sadly, I don't speak any French so much of the film's plot escapes me but it boils around this poison, kept in a jade skull, and everyone is after it. There are actually quite a few new locations (in terms of this blog) in this film and although some still allude me I figured I may as well make a start with the ones that I have been able to identify already. The official title for the film is Les Nuits Rouges du Bourreau de Jade but it seems to often be referred to as just Les Nuits Rouges or just Red Nights in English.

The film starts on a roof top bar somewhere (I still haven't found it yet and suspect it may have been a set) as Carrie Ng meets up with a girl. She obviously has something of an experience on offer and the pair get into Carrie's car and head off for their gruesome shenanigans. The location where they get into the car is Duddell Street in Central. You can see the famous stone steps in the background.

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