Wednesday, July 1, 2020

6 Underground - Ryan Reynolds (2019) - Central, Hong Kong

A final post from 6 Underground and this is really the last proper shot of the place before everything goes all CGI and completely fake. In fact, for the later shots in this set piece, it doesn't even look like the director (Michael Bay) has even bothered to make anything look like Hong Kong. So in the first image is the proper Hong Kong footage. The next images show how it was enhanced to put the dictator's brother's building into the location, and the final image from the same sequence...I have no idea where the %$#@ that is supposed to be but it ain't Hong Kong. Is it a real place? I have no idea but if you do feel free to inform me in the comments.

Hong Kong
Hong Kong with extras
Definitely not Hong Kong

Anyway, on that note I should probably say that this type of Hong Kong "location" filming was already getting quite prevalent of late. Several films over the past few years haven't even bothered filming in supposedly Hong Kong-set sequences because it's easier (and after today, definitely less risky from a political and personal safety point of view) to just create Hong Kong inside a computer. Expect more of the same in the future.


Marcus W said...

It looks like 'The Gate Residential Tower 2' in Abu Dhabi.

Phil said...

Marcus - we have a winner! Many thanks. Who knew that Abu Dhabi would one day stand in for Hong Kong? Cheers, Phil

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