Friday, December 25, 2020

La Moustache - Vincent Lindon (2005) - Ko Lau Wan, Sai Kung Country Park

The boat that Marc catches a lift from takes him to some unknown small village by the sea and the various reviews/descriptions I have read of the film have described it as either Macau or Bali. This is because the seaside isn't usually something you associate with Hong Kong despite the fact that the territory is an archipelago of several hundred islands, most of which are uninhabited. Anyway, the real location used in the film was neither Macau nor Bali but in fact Ko Lau Wan in the far reaches of the north eastern New Territories.

Believe it or not this part of Sai Kung Country Park actually falls under the administrative care of Tai Po District - a fact largely centered on the historical anomaly that Tai Po was the most convenient market town for the inhabitants of this area to reach (and this is why the Sai Kung North Rural Affairs Committee building is also in Tai Po Market and not Sai Kung).

Anyway, I digress. Marc finds a small hotel and basically sticks around until his moustache grows back. By which time the film starts to get a bit confusing and it's hard to know if what we are watching is supposed to be real or part of his imagination. I think the ambiguity might be the point.

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