Monday, July 19, 2021

Righting Wrongs - Yuen Biao (1986) - former Supreme Court, Central

While I try and find a local place to convert a recently bought VHS tape of Blade in Hong Kong to digital (so I can get decent screen captures), I figured I would go through a few films I have enjoyed over the years. This one, Righting Wrongs (aka Above the Law), is a favourite because I was fortunate enough to accidentally run into Melvin Wong one year at a friend's Xmas BBQ. Said friend's son attended Shatin College and was in the same class as Wesley Wong, so the family had been invited and I got to sit down and chat with Melvin and his wife (former Miss HK Runner Up) Angie Chiu and a very young Wesley (this was Xmas 1996). Suffice to say the conversation centered around this film because it was the only one of Melvin's I had seen at the time. Unfortunately, I was so starstruck at the time that I failed to consider asking any detailed questions so have no information to pass on other than he and his family were really just very nice and friendly.

Yuen Biao plays a barrister who is sent along the path of retribution following the assassination of his mentor outside some law courts (actually, it was the Auckland War Memorial Museum standing in as a law court) in New Zealand. When Biao sees criminals getting off the hook following the killing of the key witnesses and their whole family, he takes matters into his own hands.

The former Supreme Court is the main location where Biao is found doing his work. On a historical note, the Supreme Court ceased to exist on 1st July 1997 and is now known as the High Court. It's located next to Pacific Place.

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