Tuesday, September 13, 2022

RTHK 3 - Hong Kong Heritage Broadcast - the Jumbo

Following on from the disastrous fate of the Jumbo Floating Restaurant, I was asked by Annemarie Evans of RTHK3 to discuss some of the films it has been featured in over the years. You can find the broadcast here: https://www.rthk.hk/radio/radio3/programme/hongkongheritage/episode/827547

This isn't the first thing I have done for RTHK. When Sir Roger Moore died a few years ago, I was invited to chat a little bit about The Man with the Golden Gun which was filmed partially in Hong Kong. I did a post about it at the time here.

For those who don't know what happened to the Jumbo, it was closed due to the pandemic. It's main business for a long time was centred aound large Mainland Chinese tour groups. These dried up due to the pandemic restrictions in Hong Kong and the Mainland, and the restaurant (and adjoining Tai Pak) have been closed since mid-2020.

At one point the Government mooted turning the structure over to Ocean Park, but for whatever reason it didn't happen and the owner instead decided to move it away from Hong Kong. The move was a big secret and no one knew where it was going. It turned out to be heading for a refurbishment at a Vietnamese port but capsized about half-way there and was left to sink. Lots of conspiracy theories have followed.

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