Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Bloodfight - Yasuaki Kurata (1989) - King's Park Reservoir Steps, Waterloo Road

Although this is also King's Park related, it's a little distance from the location of the other post and I thought this would be worth including because it is rumoured that Bruce Lee himself used to run up and down these very same steps to keep fit. Although I've never been able to confirm this myself, it is quite possible given that the steps have been there as long as the reservoir as far as I can tell (circa 1934) - and we know he went here on at least a couple of occasions with his dad. Perhaps Yasuaki knew this about Bruce and was paying a small homage to his former friend?

I can confirm that going up this set of steps is an absolute killer, especially if it's a warm day, but the reservoir park at the top is worth a look-see and has been featured on this blog in the past. In the film, Masa runs up the steps with his weighted wooden sandals on to train his legs.

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