Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Royal Warriors - Michelle Yeoh (1986) - Market Side Alley, Stanley

The film is a bit cheeky because after the scene at Ka Wing Street, the next shot shows that we are back on Stanley Village Road as the two sides take shots at each other from their cars. Raging Bull swerves his truck down the alley way next to the old Stanley Police Station and crashes it into some stalls and Yamamoto is flung from the back. The truck then continues on down the alley way as Yamamoto dives after it (a great stunt by Sanada, I assume).

The foot chase then begins around Stanley Market. The bottom image is looking along one of the alleyways with Yu Moon House at the end. Apologies, but the google marker is doing that thing again where it won't stay on the road where I've placed it and is jumping to nearby buildings.

Back to Stanley Village Road
This is the side alley next to the old Police Station - compare to the next image
This is the same view in June 2024 - note the old Chinese buildings have gone
Running towards Stanley New Street at the end of the alleyway

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