Sunday, June 9, 2024

Royal Warriors - Michelle Yeoh (1986) - Stanley Village Road, Stanley

In case the geographical leap from Clearwater Bay to Kowloon Tsai to Shatin to Fo Tan wasn't enough, the next section of the car chase takes us all the way over to Stanley on Hong Kong Island. In the top images, Raging Bull's truck is driving along Tung Tau Wan Road  and takes the sharp corner into Wong Ma Kok Road. Yamamoto's BMW comes from the other direction (Stanley Village Road) but makes the same turn on to Wong Ma Kok Road. The building in the background is St Anne's Church and on the opposite corner is the former grand gateway onto what was once a large property called Banoo Villa (since demolished and turned into low-rise apartments with the same name).

The lower images show the view in the opposite direction along Stanley Village Road. The building with the large apertures at ground level (to the left of the crowd) is the former Colonial-era Police Station. Coincidentally, I was in Stanley the other day and decided to try and recreate the angles (from memory, though not too bad a job). Once again the Google marker is refusing to stay where I'vepinned it and is jumping to the nearby post office rather than remaining at the junction of the 3 roads.

Same place June 2024
June 2024 -Police Station in scaffolding

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