Thursday, July 4, 2024

Mad Mission 3: Our Man from Bond Street - Sam Hui (1984) - Hong Kong Satellite Earth Station, Stanley

The next shot shows us the satellite dishes located in the Hong Kong Satellite Earth Station at the very end of the Stanley peninsula. I'm not sure if this is part of Chek Chue Barracks aka Stanley Fort, but I suspect it is as you have to go through the army base to get there. Those same dishes are still there as far as I can tell.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Mad Mission 3: Our Man from Bond Street - Sam Hui (1984) - Lok Fu MTR Station, Kowloon

I'm not sure about the initial scene of the MTR exit, but the subsequent sequence, where Kingkong flies through the subway system on his airborne contraption, appear to have been filmed at Lok Fu MTR Station. As far as I am aware this is the only MTR station that has a green colour scheme with red stripes. I could be wrong so please feel free to correct me if so. Anyway, some more poor quality green screen SFX as commuters run in panic and stare in awe as the thing flies by. This takes me back to my first trip to Hong Kong, before the launch of the now ubiquitous Octopus card, when you had to buy single journey tickets or could get a stored value card. They were these flimsy plastic things. Wish I had kept all that stuff as a keepsake.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Mad Mission 3: Our Man from Bond Street - Sam Hui (1984) - Various Harbour Views

As Nancy (Sylvia Chang) pursues Kingkong's weird plane contraption, we get a few nice views of the harbour area. Although the first image looks like they shot it above Hung Hom with the old Whampoa dockyard buildings below. The building with the sawtooth rooftop was located where Cotton Treet Mansions now stands. There's lots to see in the mid-80s images (too many buildings to mention).

Monday, July 1, 2024

Mad Mission 3: Our Man from Bond Street - Sam Hui (1984) - Mody Road, East TST

One of the aerial views as Kingkong zooms around on his flying machine is one of the East TST section of Mody Road. The pedestrian bridges are still there but the one further away (actually, the one in image 3) has had the slope removed and replaced by a lift instead. That's the same bridge that Jackie Chan watches Wing On Plaza from at the end of Police Story (see the top image in this post).

The same footbridge Jackie uses for surveilling at the end of Police Story