Friday, February 28, 2025

Karate from Shaolin Temple - Kazuma Kenji (1976) - Yuen Yuen Institute, Tsuen Wan

Wu pursues the boss man to the Yuen Yuen Institute where he and Musashi get into it as Musashi mistakenly tries to protect the boss from who he believes to be the bad guy. This is also the same place where Wu meets Musashi again later and the pair are seen by the gang, leading to Musashi's capture.

The place has changed a bit over the years but elements seen in the screen shots below are still around such as the small pagodas and the archway behind the actor in the second image. However, I don't think the yellow arch seen in the last two images is still around and believe it was replaced by the current larger ornamental gateway.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Karate from Shaolin Temple - Kazuma Kenji (1976) - Shap Sze Heung, Sai Kung

Regular readers will be familiar with the Shap Sze Heung area of northern Sai Kung because it has been featured in a whole bunch of famous 1970s and 80s era kung fu films (for example Drunken Master, Knockabout and The Prodigal Son). In this film it is where Wu and his sister chase down the gang in their car before forcing them out and chasing them to another location for a fight.

The main road in the screencaps here is Sai Sha Road, the main road linking Sai Kung with Ma On Shan.

Pat Sin Leng in the distance

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Karate from Shaolin Temple - Kazuma Kenji (1976) - KCR Railtrack, Shatin

I can't give a specific location for these following screencaps but will say that the first one was obviously taken at the northern end of Shatin due to the proximity of the slopes of Ma On Shan on the right handside. Train enthusiasts may be more interested in the engine number here - 57. Marcus Wong of Checkerboardhill notes that this was one of 3 engines bought in 1961. Apparently it was damaged in 2009 and eventually scrapped in 2014. As you can see in the images below, this was before the system was double-tracked (circa 1979) and electrified (1983).

In the film, Wu and his sister are following the gang and their boss onboard the train, but at some point the pursuit turns into a car chase.

Bruce Lee fans may recognise Fung Ngai as the gang boss.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Karate from Shaolin Temple - Kazuma Kenji (1976) - Lion's Club Pavilion, The Peak

After getting to the Peak on the tram, Reiko and Wu go to the nearby Lion's Club Pavilion to talk about Musashi and the gang boss and Wu's need for revenge. It turns out the gang boss is responsible for the death of Wu's father.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Karate from Shaolin Temple - Kazuma Kenji (1976) - The Peak Tram

Following Reiko's return from Macau, Wu meets up with her to find out if she was able to get any information out of Musashi. They travel on the Peak Tram. I expect the marker to be snapping to nearby buildings rather than to the Peak Tram track.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Karate from Shaolin Temple - Kazuma Kenji (1976) - Canidrome, Macau

The final stop on the tour of Macau is the former Canidrome. The pair go for some dog racing at Macau's (now former) Canidrome. The place was finally closed down in 2018 and about 500+ greyhounds were sent overseas for adoption. I believe the arena is now a multi-purpose sports ground called the Lin Fong Sports Centre. Old Streetview images (I think from circa 2010) show the arched entrance was still intact at the time but it could easily have been demolished by now. It's been a while since I was up there (2007?). Perhaps worth checking out the next time I go for a trip?

Friday, February 21, 2025

Karate from Shaolin Temple - Kazuma Kenji (1976) - Estrada de Santa Sancha, Macau

After visiting Penha Church, the pair walk down the Estrada de Santa Sancha. The rather elegant balustrade belongs to the Palacete de Santa Sancha - the former Macau Governor's residence before the handover of December 1999. It now serves as a guesthouse for the Macau Chief Executive. The view is along this stretch of the road with the Palacete in the background.

What you might notice in GoogleEarth for the streets of Macau is that the street overlay is offset. This is due to the GPS system that China uses and it affects the whole of Macau, so I can only assume Macau uses the same system. No doubt HK will adopt it at some point.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Karate from Shaolin Temple - Kazuma Kenji (1976) - Penha Church, Macau

Next up is a trip up to the top of Penha Hill and its namesake church. It's been a popular filming location over the years. This is the first time I recall the chapel inside being featured though, but I am probably wrong after seeing so many films over the years.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Karate from Shaolin Temple - Kazuma Kenji (1976) - St Paul's Church Facade, Macau

The pair do some wandering around and sightseeing, taking in the inevitable trip to Macau's most famous location. These days you can't even move around here due to the sheer volume of tourists from mainland China.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Karate from Shaolin Temple - Kazuma Kenji (1976) - Sai Kung Waterfront

Wu's gang are holed up on a boat in the middle of a busy harbour somewhere. It looks a bit like Aberdeen but is in fact the next best thing - Sai Kung town opposite Tui Min Hoi. This has been a popular shooting location over the years.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Karate from Shaolin Temple - Kazuma Kenji (1976) - Kowloon Tong Alleyways, Kowloon

The gang finally ambush the rickshaw as it is running through one of the curved alleyways in Kowloon Tong. In fact, there is only one place where this is in Kowloon Tong and its the alleyway that runs behind the Kowloon Tong Club in the centre of the estate. This is the same location used a year earlier for a fight scene in The Black Dragon's Revenge. I think the marker keeps snapping to a love hotel called "Essex Hotel" but you should be able to see the alleyways to the rear of the property if you click on the location link at the bottom of the post.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Karate from Shaolin Temple - Kazuma Kenji (1976) - Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong

Another one of the gang is seen leaving a love motel in Kowloon Tong (yet to be identified) and we see him being taken down Waterloo Road in a rickshaw. The building in the background with the arched windows in the Harilela compound (itself a location) with one of the married quarters of Osborn Barracks in the distance behind. This puts the rickshaw close to where Essex Crescent joins Waterloo Road.

Friday, February 14, 2025