Thursday, October 30, 2014

Batman: The Dark Knight - Christian Bale (2008) - Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

Although the film was released in 2008, the Hong Kong part of the filming was done during November of 2007. How do I know this? Well, even if it wasn't mentioned in Wikipedia I knew because I was lucky enough to see some of the filming taking place (or at least some sort of rehearsal perhaps) in the harbour area.

I was walking along the TST waterfront with my parents who were over for a visit and this huge big white C-130 cargo plane appeared from the direction of the airport and flew up and down the harbour front for about 10 or 15 minutes.

The plane did actually feature in the film as the aircraft that helps whisk the bad guy and Batman out through the window of the IFC building to bring him back for summary justice in Gotham City.

But anyway, this is not that particular scene. The following screen captures are from the initial HK-sequence when we see Morgan Freeman's character arriving by helicopter and landing on the top of the Peninsula Hotel. We get unusual angles on No.1 Peking Road (on the right), the Masterpiece (on the left) and of course the Peninsula Hotel (centre).

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