Thursday, October 2, 2014

Yellowthread Street (TV Series) - Bruce Payne (1990) - Chatham Road South, Kowloon

Many thanks to Arthur for spotting this location by identifying the multi-storey car park seen in the background.

Here is a brief reminder.

For some reason this did look familiar but I just could not place it, but now Arthur has told me that it is in fact a building in East TST called Auto Plaza I feel like slapping my head.

Of course, it is just background to the scene where Pak (played by Tzi Ma) follows a local stripper back to her flat whilst investigating a murder. He ascends to the roof top we see above and spies on her from there.

Sadly the angle is ambiguous and I'm not sure if this roof top was the one on top of the still standing Union Mansion building (built 1966) on the opposite side of Chatham Road South, or perhaps on a building that has since been replaced by Railway Plaza (build date unknown). It's too close to say one way or another but I am erring on the side of Railway Plaza because of the angle on the edge of the car park that we can see.

But anyway, here is a ground level Streetview to show that the car park is still there. You can just see it with a newer paint job peeking through the gaps in the trees.


Anonymous said...

Hi Phil,

The present day Raiwal Plaza occupied quite a big plot. Its tower only occupied a portion of the plot. I suspect the roof top shown was the one right behind the previous Railway Building, which was a low rise. Unfortunately I could not recall the building. My only impression of the old Railway Building was a beige one with very heavy doors.

A note. Back in the KCRC days, the original Railway building was another location where railway tickets could be purchased other than the stations alone the line.

Thanks & Best Regards,

Phil said...

Hi Thomas - lower rise certainly makes sense because of the height of the roof compared to the car park. I'll have to have a dig around and see if any pictures turn up that show the area pre-90's.


Anonymous said...

Hi Phil,

The original Railway Building looked like a town house if I'm not mistaken. Definitely not Chinese. The high rises around it is a mixed bac. Some completed in the 1960's and the other probably in the 1980's. The Railway Plaza itself was completed in 1994 (according to Central Properties's site). Seem to fit the time frame of the movie.

Thanks & Best Regards,

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