Monday, June 20, 2016

Detonator II: Night Watch - Pierce Brosnan (1995) - Aberdeen, Hong Kong

Not the film finale (it looks as though that may have been filmed in Croatia), but at the end of the car chase the events unfold out at Aberdeen. The scene starts with a view of the ABBA House development (don't ask me about the name, I have no idea) and the camera was obviously placed in the waterfront park on the opposite side of the ride - the clue is the concrete pavilion that you can see the top of. The pavilion and garden are still there.

I've only included a few screen grabs here but the scene is a good few minutes long and was filmed almost entirely in this section of the Aberdeen waterfront. The estate you can see in the lower picture is actually the Ap Lei Chau estate on the opposite side of the harbour.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Phil,

I remember the Aberdeen Promenade had had a make over a few years ago. Except for the small piers for various ferries and the barges they have basically torn down must of it and rebuilt it.


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