Thursday, June 2, 2016

Noble House (Mini series) - Pierce Brosnan (1988) - Queen's Pier, Central

This place is still in the news despite it being removed several years ago. Apparently, the Govt took the step of dismantling it rather than destroying (unlike its neighbour, the Star Ferry Pier) and have it in storage awaiting reconstruction somewhere appropriate. There are basically two camps - the restore it in its original location (now reclaimed) or build it at the new waterfront area. I'm not sure which camp I fall into at the moment. Restoring it to its original location (if the Govt can actually remember where it was exactly) adds historical context but renders it useless as a pier (although I guess it would make a welcome shade from the intense HK summer sun) whereas reusing it as an actual pier means the public will once again get to use it properly but removed from its original context. Hmmm...

Anyway, this is the point where Dunross and Tcholok catch the former's boat to take the trip to Macau.


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