Monday, April 1, 2019

Black Cobra Woman - Laura Gemser (1976) - Hong Kong International Airport, Kai Tak

In my quest to discover all foreign movies that filmed in Hong Kong, I have already included the soft-porn, sorry, I mean"art house" Les Fruits de la Passion, and of course Emmanuelle: L'antiviergeSo, the following few films are from that same sort of exploitation genre. This first one is Black Cobra Woman starring Black Emmanuelle herself, Laura Gemser. It also has, of all people, Jack Palance, in a co-starring role and I am still undecided if any of his scenes were actually filmed in Hong Kong.

Gemser is an exotic dancer who uses snakes in her performance and bumps into Palance's brother (played by Gemser's real life husband, Gabriele Tinti) on a flight to Hong Kong. He introduces her to Palance who is smitten and invites her to stay at his house along with his collection of poisonous snakes. What follows is a rather nasty tale of jealousy and revenge and a particularly gruesome end for Tinti.

Anyway, in true 70's style, the films opening establishing shots are of a plane landing at Kai Tak airport, however, it seems the director was so taken with this scene that he decide to show a whole bunch of planes landing. But here are the grabs from the main landing sequence.

There also follows an additional scene at the pick up point which has been seen on quite a few occasions on this bog previously.


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