Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Black Cobra Woman - Laura Gemser (1976) - Leighton Road, Causeway Bay

As a treat for his new charge, Judas (Jack Palance) buys her a car - a brand new Mercedes convertible - and the brother, Julius, takes her out for a spin in it. When we first see the car it is parked on Sun Wui Road right where it meets Leighton Road. The angular building on the other side of the road is Bonaventure House and it's still there with its angular corner. I am guessing that the Mercedes dealership used to be in there because there looks to be a large Merc symbol stuck to the side of the building behind the lamppost. Just behind that you can just make out the original Lee Theatre building with its roof dome - the current version of the building (opened in 1991) has tried to pay homage to the original by including a roof top dome but you really have to crane your next to see it given the current building's height.


Anonymous said...

Hi Phil,

That would be Zung Fu's showroom for the Merc. They always had had a presence in Causeway Bay area. By about the turn of the century they had moved to Garland Centre on the other side. I believe they may still have an office at Lee Gardens somewhere.

The location in your screen appeared to be the show room of Bentley these days.


Phil said...

Thanks for the info, Thomas. I haven't been that way for a long time and am not too familiar with the area. Phil

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