Tuesday, June 21, 2022

All About Ah Long - Chow Yun Fat (1989) - Li Chit Street, Wanchai

Whilst I wait for a hard-to-get-hold-of movie to come back from the digital transfer guy, I thought it would be a good idea to repost my All About Ah Long locations. I had removed them (and many more) when I decided focus the blog on foreign movie productions, but now I have set up a different section for local movies I can reinstate some of the older ones that didn't fit at the time.

The movie is about a former criminal, Ah Long (Chow) and his ex-girlfriend Porpor (Sylvia Chang) and their son Porky. It was shot in both Hong Kong and Macau, and for some streange reason that I can't fathom out, also includes a very brief moment that was actually filmed in Singapore. I can only summise that perhaps there was some tax break afforded for the shoot there because the location is still supposed to be in Hong Kong. It's a weird one, but I will include it even though I generally tend to ignore anything outside of HK/Macau (there have been exceptions). Anyway, there's also some later scenes for bike fans shot at the Macau GP (I assume 1988?).

First up is Ah Long's apartment in Li Chit Street in Wanchai. The buildings along here were recognisable due to the curved shape of the balconies but they were all knocked down in the early 90s to make way for a new development (Li Chit Garden) that actually straddles where the road used to be located and essentially pedestrianised the old road space. In a sort of weird and poorly informed nod to these old Chinese tenements, the Govt constructed some weird fake building facades to remind everyone of what they just demolished.

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