Monday, February 5, 2024

International Prostitution: Brigade criminelle - Jean-Louis Broust (1980) - Kai Tak Airport

We continue the new year with another one from the semi-erotic genre, this one has an even more unfortunate title: International Prostitution. You get some funny looks from your family when they see this one pop up in the search history.

It stars Jean-Louis Broust as a French policeman, Commissaire Philippe Dega, who is tasked with tracking down a criminal, Tony Marcone (played by Gabriele Tinti - Laura Gemser's ex-husband and co-star of Black Cobra Woman), wanted for the murder of his girlfriend. Marcone has struck his girlfriend and accidentally killed her and then fled to Hong Kong.

Unfortunately the copy I viewed was completely rubbish with a German soundtrack that was about 40 seconds out of sync, so my grasp of the plot is a bit limited. I still have no idea how Laura Gemser figures in all of this but she pops up about halfway through the movie as Tazzi, who becomes Dega's girlfriend.

A nice surprise for me at the end though is Chaplin Chang being credited as "directeur de production". It's not something he ever mentioned to me that I can remember. I have a copy of Chaplin's half-finished memoir, but sadly he only completed it up to and including his time with Enter the Dragon.

Anyway, as expected, Kai Tak features in the film as the plot moves from Europe to Hong Kong and then back again at the end of the film. There is some take-off/landing footage as well as bits from inside the terminal.

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