Thursday, May 5, 2011

Project A - Jackie Chan (1983) - Rua da Restauração, Taipa

First off the bat is a location I found a couple of years ago from one of my favourite all-time films: Project A (aka Pirate Patrol).

The scene is the chase scene when JC and girlfriend (played by Isabella Wong). The whole scene covers a multitude of locations but this particular scene was shot on Rua da Restauração in Taipa.

At the top of the road is the Carmel Church (in the far distance) and the building behind JC is the Biblioteca. Here is the same road as seen in 2011.

Actually, several more scenes were filmed around this area for Project A and his later film Miracles, so stay tuned. JC also inadvertently captured the date of the wall (1964 - at least I assume that's what it is) during this scene, as well as the vertical road sign which I've ringed below.


Daniel Thomas said...

Aah, Macau... That'll explain why I couldn't find this spot when I was having a little study of old churches in Hong Kong...

I guess I should go back to Macau and explore some more, it's just that there's always so much to explore in Hong Kong, it never seems to crop up...

Phil said...

Hi Dan - yes, also check out the beginning of Miracles for some shots around the same area and I am in the process of getting some more grabs from this same sequence that were taken at the top of the lane by the church. Cheers, Phil

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