Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Flatfoot in Hong Kong - Bud Spencer (1975) - Aberdeen Harbour, Hong Kong

Here's one that is pretty unrecognisable these days - largely thanks to the impressive amount of reclamation that has gone into the area in the last 30 years.

After we left Bud, last seen in Wanchai on the back of a pedicab, somehow he manages to peddle completely around to the other side of the island and stop off at the old Tai Pak Floating Restaurant ferry pier. Now remember this film was made in 1975, a whole year before the newly launched Jumbo would open, and the Tai Pak (and possibly the Sea Palace as well?) was the only restaurant in Aberdeen Harbour.

These days the small piers where you catch the shuttle ferries over to the Jumbo Kingdom are situated quite close to their destination on the waterfront at Shum Wan Pier Drive. In 1975 the piers were all the way over on the waterfront at Wu Nam Street. The area that used to house the old Tai Pak ferry pier now houses the Aberdeen Bus terminus.

The photo above shows Wu Nam Street as it was in 2009, courtesy of Streetview. The entrance into the bus terminus (behind the low green roof) is the approximate location of where the Tai Pak pier used to be located.

Of course, a trip to Aberdeen wouldn't be complete without at least 1 view of the Tai Pak. In the background you can see the green hillock that houses the Aberdeen Seminary.

Bud's destination is a floating mahjong den called the Golden Moon. In the last screenshot above you can see the old HK Electric power station. This was caught on film a couple of years earlier in Enter The Dragon. The power station was eventually moved to Lamma Island and South Horizons (a large residential complex) was built on parts of the old site.

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