Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Young Master - Jackie Chan (1980) - Ling Wan Monastery, Lam Tsuen

A late entry due to the age it has taken to locate this particular building. It's the ruined building that JC is taken to by Yuen Biao and Shek Kin when he tries to escape by climbing up to the upper floor on a rope whilst shackled. Here's a reminder.

 Thanks to the rather excellent Chinese Hiking in Hong Kong website (a source I use a lot for tracking down the more obscure stuff) and their great photos we can see that this ruined building - located next to Ling Wan Monastery at the end of Lam Kam Road - is still around and still...a ruin. Unfortunately, it's not possible to link directly to the hike under question, but you can scroll down to the following entry to see the other pictures: 八鄉賞花穿村遊 28/2/2015. Meanwhile here is their photo that I have had to embed rather than link to.

I will try and make an effort to get there soon, but in the meantime we'll just have to make do with the picture from the front.


Andi said...

simply awesome!!!!

Phil said...

it's funny Andi, because I remember we were just talking about this place when you were in HK a few weeks ago ;-). It must be serendipity.

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