Saturday, March 30, 2019

Aorm Aok Jao Praya - Arunya Narmwong (1972) - Cherry Street, Tai Kok Tsui

Our rich protagonist is taken to see a bgit of local life down at the Yau Ma Tei Typhoon Shelter, however, this is not a usual view I have seen on film and is in fact the northern end of the old typhoon shelter that terminated in the area where Cherry Street ran across it towards the old Tai Kok Tsui ferry pier (you can see how that area looked just prior to redevelopment here).

The big giveaway here is the presence of the Lutheran School for the Deaf that can be seen in the background of the top image. This school was opened in 1968 but hs since moved to a new campus around 1990. However, this school building remains and instead is now the Sharon Lutheran School. It's had a bit of redecoration since 1972 but it's still recognisable.

The lower two images give a coupe of different views along Cherry Street. The second image shows the view looking towards the west and in the distance where it terminates at the bus terminus and ferry pier, whilst the lower image is the view looking roughly south west across the upper part of the typhoon shelter. Its also here where the female character persuades an old boat lady to pretend to be her mum.

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