Sunday, March 3, 2019

Strangers - John Simm (2018) - Rotunda do Istmo, Taipa

Episode 5 has fewer locations on offer than previous ones and many of them are part of general travelogue style shots to fill the gaps between scenes. We start off, unsurprisingly, where #4 left off - with Jonah on the private boat at a Macau marina. However, we have already established that the marina was in fact back in Hong Kong. The film makers are seeking to show otherwise by opening with an establishing shot of Macau. This is another shot of the Rotunda do Istmo. The top image showing an angle looking slightly to the west. The body of water in the right is the lake/wetland (former sea now encapsulated by the reclamation and, no doubt, swapped with freshwater) that sits between the Avenida de Praia on Taipa (where the Taipa houses museum now stands) and the Cotai Strip.

You may have spotted the bottom image is the same one used in the previous episode.

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