Monday, March 4, 2019

Strangers - John Simm (2018) - Shum Wan Road, Wong Chuk Hang

Shum Wan Road pops up a couple of times in Episode 5. Initially of course it is used as the establishing shot for the private marina that Jonah went to whilst following David Chen, and these are the two top shots below (the "To's Boats" sign is a real one by the way).

The marina entrance in "Macau"

However, we also see part of the same area again later when Jonah decides to find out the address of Kai Huang by going to the charter company and asking for an address. For this scene, one of the several boat and marine companies based along Shum Wan Road was used and turned into "Asian Riviera Charters". The map seems to get a bit confused here because even though the road is identified as Shum Wan Road, the actual address of the shipyard is #20 Po Chong Wan Road, so I am not sure where one starts and the other ends. Anyway, the real life company is called Shum Wan Marine.

Charter shop back in HK 
(in reality 100 yards back up the road from the "Macau" marina)

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