Sunday, March 10, 2019

Strangers - John Simm (2018) - Ma Wan New Village, Tung Chung

After the abortive attempt to find out more about the property recently sold by their dead wife, Jonah and David head out to Lantau Island for a coffee. The venue is a small cafe called CoCo Cafe that is in Ma Wan New Village. I can ony assume it has this name because it was built to rehouse those people displaced by the bridge development on Ma Wan island when the airport was being constructed. According to Open Rice the place has closed down, which seems a bit of a shame. Can anyone confirm?


Anonymous said...

Hi Phil,

I have not gone that way for more than a decade but I found CoCo wasn't there yet in the last Street View photos was taken, which dated 2011. Sort of typical of a lease of just a few years out there. Same old story. If you want to last you have to own the house\flat.


Phil said...

Hi Thomas, this show was filmed at the end of 2017 so I think it's closure must be a recent thing. What a pity because pity could have benefited from a bit of free publicity in this show. I wonder if this show will get an official showing here anyway? Perhaps a bit too controversial for the powers-that-be. Phil

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