Saturday, February 11, 2023

Police Story 2 -Jackie Chan (1988) - RAF Little Sai Wan, Siu Sai Wan

The story of this location actually starts several years ago when I was asked by a former RAF engineer, Andrew Suddaby, if I knew which film had been shot at the former RAF listening base at Little Sai Wan in the east of Hong Kong Island. He had been stationed there during his national service in the late 1950s and had made many a return trip to visit the place in the following years, right up to around 1987. He had heard from former colleagues that the buildings had been blown up for the finale of a movie and was asking me which one it might be. I had no idea. Cue a few years later and the question was asked again on Gwulo and was answered by non other than Mr Bey Logan - see here:

Anyway, despite Andrew not recognising anything, my deeper dive into it revealed that Bey was in fact spot on and so I put a comment at the end of that thread explaining which building it was. You can see my comment on that thread so I won't repeat it here. Just know that the building was scheduled for demolition not long after and so this, no doubt, gave the film crew carte blanche in terms of inflicting damage on it. What I will say is that they added a false second floor facade to make the building look taller, and they widened the window apertures to the point where one of the structural walls can actually be seen through the widened window (you can see it in the first image below, to the right of the main entrance). Why they did this is anybody's guess but Andrew and myself  speculate it was to enhance the effect of the explosion, as it might not have looked quite so spectacular spurting through the original smaller windows.

The area where the building was located is where Block 2 of Fullview Garden now stands (built 1993).

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