Thursday, August 8, 2024

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Adam Baldwin (2000) - Various Harbour Views

I will kick off the next film with a selection of views around the harbour that are interspersed into this film in travelogue-style transitions from one scene to the next. This is a TV movie starring Adam Baldwin and is a modern "take" on the Robert Louis Stevenson short story (I read it in a few hours which, to me at least,  means it's a short story) which details the strange occurances around the titular character/s.

In this film our good doctor is a burnt-out US surgeon who decides to give up to pursue a career in cosmetic surgery. He and his wife take a holiday to Hong Kong and by pure misfortune are caught up in the nefarious doings of the local triads who are operating an illegal organ donation operation. The rather more psycopathic nature of the good doctor appears after he mistakenly ingests a Chinese herbal concoction whilst being cared for by a mysterious local guide/Chinese medical practioner/kung fu master.

It's about as good as you can expect from a movie like this: heavy on the Eastern mysticism, overly complicated plot and lots of places supposed to be Hong Kong that aren't (does anybody want to go to the "Colonial Cricket Club"?).That said, there is a fair amount of location shooting here to warrant a good delve. You can judge for yourself by viewing it on YouTube here (hat tip to Jesus Wept. Movies channel).

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