Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Adam Baldwin (2000) - The Regent Hotel, Tsim Sha Tsui

Once the Regent, then the Intercontinental, and now back to the Regent again. This well-known hotel has been a feature in many films (and shows) I have covered in the blog. In this movie it is where the happy couple are staying while they are on vacation.

I'm not a big fan of the building but despite its age it still looks a lot nicer than the new monstrosities that have been built next to it (K11 Musea & Atelier).


Rodney said...

It's almost always The Regent that appears on film. The original New World Hotel was not structurally connected to Regent, but basically the same complex. If you've seen the Hui Brothers' Security Unlimited, you can see the New World Apartments wing of NWH and it was only a couple years old at the time.

The apartments should have been the first to be demolished for whatever is there today. The hotel, in its last incarnation, was some sort of Renaissance. I think I had a Christmas drink in the bar - before I became a Christmas hater - not long before it was closed. I seem to remember the land next to the hotel was already flat and a construction site, but I might have been drunk.

Pip the Troll said...

I am still friends with someone whose husband (now ex-) was the AGM at the InterContinental and they were living in the NW apartments but I didn't realise that was once part of a separate hotel. They were living in the Inter hotel originally but were then moved to the apartments later. They were indeed one of the first things to go when the redevelopment was announced. NW own the whole thing anyway and it is IHG that has the (30+ year) management contract through their ownership of Regent, hence why it is now renamed back to that.

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