Thursday, July 23, 2015

Soldier, Soldier (TV Series) - Robson Green (1992) - The Noon Day Gun, Causeway Bay

I've never been down to the Casueway Bay harbourfront to watch this thing being fired, in fact I think I've only ever heard it being fired a couple of times in the last 10 years. Perhaps I will make the effort to do the touristy thing at some point. Until then, here is a brief glimpse from A Touch of the Sun.


Anonymous said...

Hi Phil,

This is not the original gun. I remember when I was a small kid, the neighbourhood had been complaining about the daily big bang at noon. Before the reclaimation started the gun was located to the then waterfront at around the present day World Trade Centre.

I live in Paterson Street back then. The bang was so loud that even you knew it would happen you would be startled. As I kid I was sort of afraid of it and would usually cover my ears just a bit before it goes off.


Phil said...

Hi Thomas, I seem to remember there was some discussion about the gun at the Marine Police HQ (now Hullet House) as potentially being an earlier version to the current one? I'm not sure if anyone had confirmed though. Cheers, Phil

Anonymous said...

Hi Phil,

Likely the original gun was lost during the Japanese Occupation. Could not recall actually when did the swap of the present day three pounder was made. Uncertain if Wiki's entry is accurate in any case.

Thanks & Best Regards,

gweilo8888 said...

Yes, the original gun was definitely lost. The 1947 six-pounder replacement is apparently now at the Marine Police HQ in Sai Wan Ho, and bears a plaque confirming it was used from August 1947 to May 1961, when it was replaced with another, quieter three-pounder gun:

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