Sunday, May 19, 2024

Cosa Nostra Asia - Chris Mitchum (1974) - Sai Kung

Before Robert Mitchum came to Hong Kong to star in The Amsterdam Kill, his son, Christopher, had already been in this part of the world for one of Golden Harvest's first efforts: H-Bomb. A few years later he was back for a Filipino-produced spy film called Cosa Nostra Asia (producer Bobby Suarez later went on to make They Call Her Cleopatra Wong).

It's a weird film that is supposedly set largely in Hong Kong but appears to have been mainly shot in Taiwan, with a brief library shot of Chicago (as an establishing shot for the HQ of the Mafia) thrown in for good measure. To be honest, the quality of the copy available online makes it very hard to identify many of the locations, but there are enough to make it worth including. A big thanks to AP who was the one who made me aware of this movie last year.

The film opens with Chris (Mitchum) single-handedly raiding a drug warehouse before going off on his motorbike to spy on a drug exchange. I don't believe any of this was filmed in Hong Kong - at least I can't say with any confidence - but weirdly there is a brief scene as he makes his way through the mountains to the drug rendezvous that looks familar (regular readers might recognise it - see second image), as well as a brief view of the general area around the Tai Mong Tsai Road, north of Sai Kung town centre. I *think* it's Chris Mitchum riding the bike along these dirt trails, but it's too dark to be 100% confident. 

It's a bit dark but this is Tai Mong Tsai area with
YimTin Tsai and Kau Sai Chau in the background
Sai Kung hills- recognise them?

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