Friday, May 17, 2024

To Be Number One - Ray Lui (1991) - Island House, Tai Po

It's a bit hard trying to figure out which property (or properties) was used for the interior of Lui Lok's house, seen when the gang leaders decide to take each other out during a supposed friendly "gong sau" meeting on neutral ground. However, the exteriors are a different matter and a hint is given in the acknowledgements as the filmmakers thank the World Wide Fund for Nature. It turns out that the location was Island House in Tai Po, now a WWF office and a place I am quite familiar with thanks to my 6 years living just up the road from here.

Anyway, this is the place where Big Sha and Ho fight off a horde of marauding triad gunslingers before being rescued on a motorbike by "Dummy". If you want a comparison, someone has kindly included a bunch of photo sphere's all around the property. This one relates to the bottom image.


Rodney said...

Phil, was the entire shootout, excluding interior, filmed here? Perhaps I've mistaken this with another I watched during my expensive hotel stay of 2020, but I seem to recall some of Limpy's posse waiting outside the gate, parked on the side of the road. One of his men, I think the ever-lucky Ming, goes to take a wee just as another car of rival baddies pulls up to dispense with all his associates.

What I distincitly remember was the gorgeous Art Deco spiral staircase in the shootout house. I think the stairs went up at least two-floors and had red carpeting like Limpy's home office, so perhaps they were the same house. IMDB has 500 pictures of this film, albeit with some duplicates, especially of the Yipster and her famous scene.

Pip the Troll said...

No, as far as I can tell there are at least 3 (possibly 4) separate locations. This location was used for the bit where they initially make it outside. The interiors could be anywhere,but yes, a very nice circular stairway with red carpet. The other interiors could be the same place, or not.

Rodney said...

Ah, good thing my memory hasn't totally faded. I think Ken Tsang's villa the bosses met at had a steep drive that ran parallel (after a right turn) to the road that Ming parked. It was a proper road, so the area before Island House's driveway looked too narrow and flat. I have certainly see that other house before.

TVB filmed at Island House, at least its exterior and grounds, a couple times in the 1980s before it became a WWF facility. Still haven't located the RTV house resembling The Towers, but there are lots of old series on ATV's YouTube to browse. If you look at the older streetviews of Tat Chee Ave, you can still see a house at No. 9. that was used in 1979 by RTV for 'Jaws'. In the last 2011 view before its inevitable rebuild, it still looked the same as '79, including the green gate and tiled carport. No. 7 was also used, but demolished long before Google was founded.

Pip the Troll said...

yes, I think the road might be easier to identify than the property at this stage. With any luck it might be the real property as well. I do tend to go back to these things when I get some spare time,so you never know.

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