Saturday, May 11, 2024

To Be Number One - Ray Lui (1991) - Star Seafood Restaurant, Tai Wai Road

The establishing shots for the restaurant where the hit on Ng takes place was filmed in Tai Wai. As you can see from the image it was called 海福酒樓 (hoi fuk tsau lau). I think this was the real name rather than a name used for the film, but I could be wrong. Anyway, this same venue is now a "Ming Sing" seafood restaurant (aka Star Seafood). The filmmakers used some hoarding (top image, left hand side) to hide the fact that this street is a bit more modern than the 1960s-era they are trying to portray. This part of the film is one where the film strays quite far from Ng's real life. In the film, he is shot by some hired kids and a bullet hits his leg, causing his "limp". In reality, he was attacked in a punishment/warning attack and his leg was deliberately targeted with a large teak pole.The attack shattered and splintered his leg bones in several places and left him with a permanent disability.

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