Monday, May 27, 2024

We're Going to Eat You - Norman Chui (1980) - Tin Hau Temple and Courtyard, Lung Yeuk Tau

It was just a few weeks ago that I did a post for Mr Vampire that used the (now) carpark in front of the Tin Hau Temple in Lung Yeuk Tau. Well, here is another film that used the same space. In We're Going to Eat You it is the area in front of the temple/police station where Agent 999 first tries to speak with the chief of police before being attacked by hungry villagers. This is the same area later where 999's fellow traveller (Hon Kwok-choi) is captured following a comedy fight setpiece. In this film though we do get a peek inside the temple when it was still in a pre-renovation state of dilapidation.

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